Thursday, January 26, 2012

Lego Extravaganza!

Hello again! Today was Lego Day in the Murphy household. Aside from running a few errands in the morning, we devoted the whole day to Legos. Joshua got tons of sets for Christmas, which we had all built for a while, but I was tired of stepping on Legos barefoot so I put them away. So, today we had ourselves a little Lego party and put together most of his sets. I love watching him just build things, even if he doesn't follow the directions I love seeing him create something all by himself.

I'm not sure how long we'll keep all the sets together, at least for a while I suppose.  I just hate when they get torn apart and I get Lego sets mixed together.  So I do my darndest to keep them separated.  I'm sure there's a better way to do that, but I just put them in Ziploc bags with the instructions and label the bag accordingly.  It works well so far, even if my husband does laugh at me.

I think I'll be dreaming of Lego's tonight!  Until next time, Later Gators!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hello Blog World!

Yes, I've started a blog.  I'm not sure why...but I hear it's all the rage so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  All my friends blog and I didn't want to be the only blogging virgin left.  I don't have too much to say just yet, but we (my super wonderfully weird and nerdy husband and I) are in the process of finishing our basement and once complete I know I will have lots of fun little projects to get it all decorated and snazzy looking. 
So until I have something of real importance to say, I will introduce myself.  I am Jennifer and I am a stay at home mom of one rowdy, wild, weird and wonderful boy.  I work part-time at Joann's where I unintentionally spend my paycheck to try out new crafty, artsy things.  I've been married to my one and only for almost 6 years now.  I say "one and only" because I'm the only one that would ever put up with him, and he's the only one that would ever put up with me.  A perfect match if I do say so myself.  I hope to keep up with this and hopefully have something really cool and fun to share soon. 

Later Gators!